Al Pessin

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Newsletter #13 -- Big Sale and Off to NYC

Hello Everyone,

I had to write to tell you that thanks to my wonderful publisher Kensington, the ebook of the Florida Book Awards Silver Medal winner BLOWBACK is on sale through May 23 on for just $2.99. If you haven’t read BLOWBACK, or have a friend who would like it, this is a great opportunity to grab a copy, or several.

The ebook of the newest Task Force Epsilon thriller, SHOCK WAVE, is just $6.99, so if you haven’t followed Faraz and Bridget to Israel and the Palestinian territories, now is the time.

I’m off to New York June 1 for my first in-person writers’ conference since 2019. It’s exciting to hit Thrillerfest again to renew acquaintances with old friends, make new ones, and meet people face-to-face who I’ve known online for years. I’ll be on a panel discussing how to keep the pace going in novels, along with half a dozen great authors. And I’ll have a chance to sign my books for folks who buy them.


I’ll also be working to get my next novel published. It’s called BODY MAN, a political/psychological thriller about the polarization in America today. Stay tuned for a teaser excerpt one of these days.

The final phase of preparing the manuscript involves beta-readers, friends with particular expertise, who read the book and offer me critiques to ensure I have the maximum authenticity. For BODY MAN, my beta-readers are from law enforcement, the military, politics, and, of course, the merciless writing community. I’ve been going through their comments and incorporating them into the manuscript.

I talk about how I got SANDBLAST, BLOWBACK, and SHOCK WAVE published in my latest blog post. I think both readers and writers will find it interesting.

By the way, a friend saw SHOCK WAVE in the wild at a store in Maryland, in some very good company.

That’s all for now. Please post reviews when you read my books. The best outlets are Amazon and Goodreads, and you don’t have to have bought your books through them to post.

Thanks for reading. I’ll report back after Thrillerfest.

Best regards,
