Newsletter #12 -- Super Launch Event and an Award

A Blockbuster Event for SHOCK WAVE


Thank you to everyone who came out to my first in-person book launch. We set a post-pandemic record at Murder on the Beach with 40 people in the store (including one very special guest!) and 20 more on Zoom.

Unfortunately, the recording didn’t work, so I can’t link a video it for those of you who couldn’t be there. I spoke about why I wrote the Task Force Epsilon series—the stories I wanted to tell, characters I wanted to introduce and the themes I wanted to explore. Here’s a link to the text.

If you haven’t grabbed your copy of SHOCK WAVE yet, it’s available everywhere. Marc Cameron, who writes the Tom Clancy “Jack Ryan” novels calls it “Intense, unique, and frighteningly real. A standout!” And military vets and bestselling authors Andrews and Wilson say SHOCK WAVE has “authenticity and emotion” and is “sure to be one of the best reads of the year.”

Right on the heels of the SHOCK WAVE launch, BLOWBACK won a Florida Book Award—a silver medal in the Popular Fiction category. Copies will be part of the permanent collection at the Florida Governor’s Mansion and Florida State University.

That’s the second award for BLOWBACK, which is now on Kindle Unlimited along with multi-award-winner SANDBLAST.

By the way, if you enjoyed any or all of the books, please do a rating and a short review on Amazon, Goodreads or whatever websites you use for books. I will much appreciate it. As I always say, “If you don’t like the books tell me. If you like them, tell EVERYONE!”

If you have a minute, check out my blog for the Florida Writers Association. I tackle writing issues with a light touch, and I’ve had great feedback.

I’m looking forward to getting back to writing conferences with ThrillerFest in New York in June. Besides connecting and re-connecting with my fellow-writers, there will be great seminars and panels, and chance to explore the City after a long absence. More on that in the summer.

Until then, thank you for subscribing and for reading the books. Please feel free to write to me anytime through

All best,
